

这正是医生的要求! 一种为你的医疗需求省钱的方法.


或打电话 1-855-440-4472

健康储蓄帐户(HSA) 股息 率  年 
$0.01- $2,499.99 0.10% 0.10%
$2,500.00 - $9,999.99 0.30% 0.30%
$10,000.00 - $24,999.99 0.30% 0.30%
$25,000.00及以上 0.49% 0.50%

健康储蓄帐户 年度百分比 收益率 (年) effective as of October 1, 2024, 开户后如有变动,恕不另行通知. 年 = 0.10%适用于余额为0美元起的账户.01 to $2,499.99; 年 = 0.30%适用于余额在2500美元以下的账户.00 to $9,999.99; and from $10,000.00 to $24,999.99; 年 = 0.49%适用于余额为25,000美元的账户.00及以上. 费用可能会减少收入.


A tax-free medical savings account for people enrolled in a high-deductible health plan.


  • 供款可以由您、您的雇主或其他个人提供
  • 用于符合条件的费用不征税
  • 在年终,剩余的资金结转到未来年度使用
  • 分层股息率随着你账户余额的增长而增加
  • 按日结余赚取的股息,按月公布
  • 元素HSA签证® 借记卡,用于您的合格购买
  • Online portal for account management and safekeeping of your paperwork and receipts — accessible through online banking 或者移动应用程序


  • 你有高免赔额健康计划(HDHP)
  • 你想要一种安全方便的方式来支付医疗费用
  • 你想在免税的基础上为未来的医疗费用储蓄



A 健康储蓄帐户(HSA) is a tax-advantaged medical savings account available to taxpayers in the United States who are enrolled in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). An HSA allows you to pay for current health expenses and 保存 for future medical and retiree healthcare expenses on a tax-free basis. 贡献, 收益, and distributions are all exempt from federal income 税 when funds are used for qualified medical expenses.

You can use the HSA to cover expenses related to your High Deductible Health Plan until you meet your deductible. 在你的免赔额达到之后, your health plan coverage will then pay all or a portion of your medical costs, 取决于健康计划的福利设计. Any excess funds available in the HSA may be used for other qualified expenses, 包括牙科和视力费用. 资金也可能留在HSA中,以增加未来几年的使用.



一旦你开了你的个人储蓄账户, you will have access to the HSA Portal within 哪个赌钱app比较好 and the mobile app. 门户使您能够保留所有重要信息, 比如文书和收据, 在一个地方, 这样便于以后检索和参考. 以下是HSA门户网站提供的其他工具: 

  • 指示板 -概述您的余额和向HSA年度限额的进展情况.
  • 可扣除的追踪 -链接您的健康计划(例如. Blue Cross Blue Shield) account, to take the guesswork out of your progress against your deductible.
  • 保险公司的顾问 provides actionable feedback about how you can get the most benefit from your HSA.
  • 连接你的信用卡 — link personal credit and/or 借记卡s to your account so that no HSA purchase goes uncaptured. You can also link your savings or checking account for easy reimbursements.
  • 投资账户 — view your investment account totals and move money to and from your Drive财富 account.
  • 医疗保健蓝皮书a free consumer guide to help you determine fair prices in your area for health care services such as surgery, 住院, 去看医生, 或者医学测试.
  • HSAStore.com唯一一个专门关注健康储蓄账户的网站, 这是购买符合健康安全管理局要求的非处方药的简单方法. Using this online store takes the guesswork out of what products are eligible.

Note, the HSA portal is provided through a partnership between 好的赌博软件推荐 and Bend Financial.



好的赌博软件推荐 HSA members have access to an investment program through Drive财富. Those who do not plan to use all of their HSA funds for current year medical expenses may wish to consider investing HSA dollars for potential added savings.

To invest, you must have an account balance of at least $2,500 in your HSA at the time of enrollment. 资格不构成报名参加该计划. You must actively elect to enroll to use the investment funding provided to you within the 元素' HSA.

Prior to meeting the $2,500 threshold, with Drive财富, you have the ability to pre-enroll. 通过我们的预注册选项, you set your investment account details along with your investment path now before reaching the minimum amount to invest. 然后, 一旦你的HSA达到所需的阈值, 您的投资账户将被激活, 你的HSA投资之旅将正式开始.

在Drive财富发布资格和注册, 你可以投资超过2美元的任何金额,500. 如果你的HSA账户余额低于2美元,500, you will not be able to move additional funds to your investment account.

开始注册程序, log into your HSA by clicking your 健康储蓄帐户 tile in 元素 online banking or mobile app. 从HSA门户的左侧导航菜单中选择 投资账户 从导航栏.

如果你想了解更多的投资选择, 访问HSA Portal中的HSA Portal文档中心, 哪些可以访问 登录哪个赌钱app比较好 或者移动应用程序. 在那里您可以查看投资计划的详细信息. Note that an active 元素 健康储蓄帐户 is required to access the HSA Portal Document Center.

如果您对Drive财富投资计划有任何疑问, 包括注册和资金转移, 请联系HSA客户支持中心寻求帮助 1 - 855 - 440 - 4 - hsa (4472).



  1. 网上开户- 只需10分钟就能在线开户. 或打电话 1-800-621-2105 开始吧. 你有政府颁发的身份证(驾驶执照)吗, 状态标识, (护照)和你的社会安全号码准备好了.
  2. 〇检查电子邮件 You will receive an email within one business day to notify you of account approval. 就是这样! 你的 健康储蓄帐户 是否已开放供款予雇主.
  3. 注册哪个赌钱app比较好 进入HSA门户- HSA门户允许您管理您的HSA帐户. HSA门户网站可通过哪个赌钱app比较好或移动应用程序访问. Enroll in online banking to easily access the portal from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. 了解更多关于哪个赌钱app比较好的信息.





If you’d like to better understand how you and your family can take full advantage of your 健康储蓄帐户, 访问我们的 HSA欢迎套件 页面 在我们的网站上. 里面有很多关于HSAs的有用信息.



Our Customer Support Center is available to answer questions about your HSA and assist you with your High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) or for questions about the HSA Product or Portal:

  • 通过电话-拨打免费电话855-440-4HSA (855-440-4472) 东部时间周一至周五上午8点至下午5点
  • 透过电邮- hsa@hhvp.net 请允许一个工作日的适当回应.

我已经有健康储蓄账户了? 我可以把它转移到元素吗?

是的! 很容易将您现有的余额转移到元素. 打电话给我们的队员,在 1-855-440-4472 东部时间早上8点到下午5点学习.


如果HSA是通过你的工作提供的, your employer can deduct the amount from each paycheck for deposit into the account. If you wish to make other deposits, call the HSA Customer Support Center at 1-855-440-4472 查看存款说明.

What IRS reporting will I have to do each year for tax purposes for my HSA account?

You will need to complete IRS Form 8889 to be filed with your Form 1040 income tax filing each year, 无论你是否列出你的扣除项目. 这张表格报告了你在HSA账户上的存款和取款情况. We provide an online workbook based on your account usage to assist you with form completion. This is provided for informational purposes only and is not considered tax advice. For specific assistance with tax reporting of your HSA account, please see your personal tax advisor. 元素 will send the 1099-SA for distributions to arrive at the end of January and the 5498-SA for contributions to arrive at the end of May.


If you’d like to better understand how you and your family can take full advantage of your 健康储蓄帐户, 访问我们的 HSA欢迎工具包页面 在我们的网站上. 里面有很多关于HSAs的有用信息, 包括资格, 资助你的HSA, 支付医疗费用, 税, 投资选择, 如何使用HSA门户网站, 和更多的.



我很高兴我的工作场所与元素合作进行HSA. 在线门户网站很容易使用,节省了我大量的时间.

——克里斯·D. | 2018年起加入


